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Rainwater Harvesting is the ideal water scarcity solution

save water to save the future rainwater harvesting

People tend to be resistant to change, in fact, the better it looks the more suspicious they seem to be about adopting a new solution. In days gone by when the first taps were installed in homes, the residents probably had a few misgivings about the water that came gushing seemingly effortlessly out of the faucet. "Is it safe to drink?" "Will it be expensive?" "What if it runs dry?"  - Well, the time has marched on since then and we have changed, where now we could not even imagine how we would get along without our convenient access to water. So it is interesting that these same questions are now directed to Rainwater harvesting systems. The future will no doubt look back and wonder why if water is such a scarce and essential resource, that we all took so long to start using rainwater harvesting tanks.

So here it is for the late adopters...

Yes it is safe

One of the biggest myths regarding rainwater harvesting systems is that the tank and still water will become dirty, filled with algae and that it creates an environment for mosquitos to breed from. This is completely false. Rainwater harvesting systems are engineered with all these factors in mind. Tanks are installed by professionals in such a way that it eliminates any health risks that can contaminate your water. Regular monitoring and effortless maintenance will ensure that equipment stays in workable order and by doing so, ensure that the quality of water you and your family use will remain safe.

No, you don't need to go off the grid

Being connected to a rainwater harvesting system does not mean you need to disconnect from a mainline water supply. It simply means you use rainwater first before tapping into a valuable resource. You can determine how much water you need by calculating how much water you and your family use around your home on a monthly basis and comparing it to the rainfall statistics of your area. Based on this, you can determine what the size of your storage tank can be. No matter how you look at it, saving any water at any time is a step in the right direction.

They are not expensive

Rainwater harvesting systems are not nearly as expensive as people might think and in the long run, they pay for themselves.

What if the water runs dry?

Well if your tank runs dry you misjudged the size of tank that you needed, but with our help, we will make sure that you get the right advice. A rainwater harvesting system can be expanded so if you do run out you can always tack on another tank - in fact, you can have a tank per downpipe. If you don't fancy the look of tanks next to the house, the tanks can always be submerged.
However, the biggest question to answer is "What if the tap water runs dry?" - if you have your rainwater harvesting and water storage system in place there is no need to worry, but if you don't, it is only a matter of time before the demand exceeds supply.

Water is a scarce resource

Start collecting water with a Rainwater Harvesting System