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The Basics of Water Tanks for Rainwater Harvesting

The Basics of Water Tanks

Know the Basics before choosing your Water Tank

A Water Tank for Rainwater Harvesting is a beneficial addition to any home, whether new or established, and the additional water can give the homeowner freedom from the water restrictions that are in place in many areas of South Africa. However, there are some things that you need to consider when choosing a water tank in order to ensure that you have the one that is right for you.

Here are some tips to remember when choosing which water tank will suit you best:

Water Tank Size

This is by far the most common question. The size of the tank will depend on your requirements. If you plan to use the water for your garden, you will only need a smaller tank. A larger tank will be required if you plan on using the water inside your home. Water tanks can store as little as a thousand litres of water and as much as 20 000 litres or more.

Water Tank Design

The design of the tank will depend on the situation and also your requirements. Tanks come in many shapes and sizes, so there is one to suit almost every home.

Space at Home

The amount of space that you have either beneath your home  (designed into your newly built house) or in your back garden will also dictate the type of water tank that you can install. If you are space poor, the Slimline design is made to fit snugly alongside the house.

Roof Area

The amount of roof area that you have will determine how much water you are able to fill the tank with. There is no point in buying a large tank if the roof simply isn’t big enough to capture enough water to fill it.

The Water Pumps

You need to get the water from the tank somehow, and you will have to decide if you want a pump-based system or a gravity-fed system. If the water is going uphill or along the ground at any point, you will require a pump. The size of the pump will depend on the amount of water moved and also the amount of pressure required. If you have an elevated tank, a gravity-fed system may be adequate on its own if you are not using the water in-house. Let the Green Overall professionals help you get the best possible results.

Water is a scarce resource

Start saving water with a Water Tank