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Save Water with a Grey Water System

South Africa’s water challenges are well known and various towns have been without water over the past couple of years. The problems range from ageing infrastructure, supply constraints and pollution, to the impact of climate change on society and businesses.

Saving water starts at home and one of the first things we recommend to our clients is a grey water system.

What is a Grey Water System?

Grey water is wastewater (used household water) that is collected from basins, showers, baths and washing machines. More than 50% of domestic waste water production is grey water, which means that any recycling system you use has an enormous impact on household water consumption.

The easiest explanation would probably be that of washing your car. When washing your car, you usually do so on your lawn, letting all the grey water run into the ground. In a similar manner, you would re-purpose the used (grey water) from your household with our grey water system, to irrigate your garden, vegetable patch and lawn.

Useful nitrates and phosphates are found in used bath and shower water (grey water) and are excellent garden fertilisers. (Don’t use any grey water on your vegetable garden two weeks prior to harvesting.