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Is your supply of water sustainable?

Time is running out to save water. Get a Sustainable Water Supply

If you don't have a sustainable water supply and are only hooked up to the municipal grid for your primary (and only) source of water then you should expect your supply of water to run dry sometime in the year 2025. This is the forecasted time when South Africa’s demand for water will outstrip supply. We have seen the reality of this with the recent droughts where water shedding was on the cards for the more affected regions. While most regions were lucky to avoid water shedding (being completely cut off from your water supply due to inadequate reserves), you can expect this to be a reality in the near future.

The water crisis is escalating despite some much-needed relief from rainfalls and the respite is temporary as the demand for water ever increases. The reality is that making use of water storage systems to ensure a sustainable water supply, such as rainwater harvesting tanks and water saving systems such as grey water harvesting will become a necessity for a sustainable future.

Rainwater Harvesting

The water that comes from the skies is free! Once you have your tank installed you can collect this water to supplement your usage and help reduce your municipal water consumption and water bill. You will also have a backup supply of water in times of drought or water shedding. Depending on the size of your property you can install enough tanks to be independent of the municipal supply. There are a variety of tanks available, including a slimline(™) tank for space-sensitive areas. The tanks can also be submerged and installed with a motor to pump water on demand.


Grey Water Harvesting

The water we use anyway in our daily effort to stay clean and fresh can be reused for irrigating the garden. Using grey water reduces your municipal water use and saves you money on your water bill.

Going Green and saving water is no longer something that you can do to be trendy, it now makes financial and environmental sense and in the future, it will be a matter of survival.